
Are you a metalworker active on social media and love new tools & innovation?
Join the Versadrive Test Team and get free products to use & review.
Help us test and improve existing products, and be the first to see and test our next generation of tools and innovation.
You will post and share content and videos from your testing and use of the tools, helping to spread the word about these new products and helping the industry #speedupmetalworking

To enquire about joining the Test Team,
please email us at sales@holemaker-technology.com or
fill in the form further down

Features and Benefits
As a member of the #VERSADRIVETestTeam you would benefit from:
- FREE tools to test and review
- FREE #VERSADRIVETestTeam merchandise only available to test team members
- Advanced product releases - test and use the latest tooling before it hits the market
- Boost in professional reputation - solidify your position as an authority in metalworking
Test Team Video Examples
Below is a selection of sample videos from other test team members to give examples of the type and style of video test team members are creating and using to help educate a wider audience about HMT and the VersaDrive range...
Double click to view Full screen

How to apply
Applying to become a member of the #VERSADRIVETestTeam is easy.
Simply check your eligibility against the criteria below and if you qualify, fill in the form to the left and we'll be in touch to discuss your membership.
To qualify as a member of the VERSADRIVETestTeam you must:
- Be a professional metalworker
- Be an active social media contributor with an engaged following
- Post photo and video reviews of sampled products
- Commit to posting a minimum of one additional Holemaker Technology related post per month of your own choosing
- Use the 'mention' and hashtag features of each social media platform with each post using the list below
- 'Mention' @holemakertechnology on Linkedin & Facebook
- Use the following hashtags across all social platforms:
- #speedupmetalworking #cuttingtools #versadrive #holemakertechnology #metalcuttingtools #magdrill #impactwrench #impactdriver #metalcutting #metalworkingnation #steelworker #steelfabrication #steelerector #fabricator #metalfab #broaching #broachcutter #carbidemax #TCTcutter