HMT CarbideMax XL55 TCT Magnet Broach Cutter 2" (109020) - Inch Sizes


With a rapidly increasing requirement for ultra large diameter broaching fast increasing, HMT have launched the CarbideMax-XL range of Tungsten Carbide Tipped cutters from 2-7/16" right up to 6" diameter with 2" cutting depth as standard. These high quality TCT cutters have a reinforced 1-1/4" Weldon shank to withstand the high levels of torque...
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With a rapidly increasing requirement for ultra large diameter broaching fast increasing, HMT have launched the CarbideMax-XL range of Tungsten Carbide Tipped cutters from 2-7/16" right up to 6" diameter with 2" cutting depth as standard.

These high quality TCT cutters have a reinforced 1-1/4" Weldon shank to withstand the high levels of torque generated.

Large diameter broaching has its own unique challenges relating to correct machine size, RPM, lubricant and feed rates. Contact our sales team to discuss your particular application.


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